Red bull + UltraMF
Create an experience with Red Bull in Ultra Music Festival
Red Bull Experience "Red Bull Heartbeat"
AD's: Senyo Tamakloe + Ornella Poumian + Mariam Elias
PHASE1. Activation
- Avicii will do a new song for us #WingBeat which is going to be played when you open Red Bull Refrigerator along with lights to mimic the environment of Ultra Music Festival
People will learn a Dub step dance trough Red Bull Heart Beat webpage, and share it. The 10 persons with the most liked and shared videos will be selected to perform on stage with Avicii on the main event.
PHASE2. Engagement
Red Bull would have their own tickets sale. Which include the
PHASE3. Red Bull Heartbeat Experience
Avicii performance at Ultra Music Festival. Every will dance the #WingBeat dance and with the Heartbeat trackers we are going to be able to measure if they reach the "magic number" 128 BPM. And the light bars will be connected to those numbers in order to increase the ambient of people. When they rich the top. Avicii will release for free his new album to download.